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Septic tank for a private house, advantages and disadvantages

3333The purpose of the article

This analytical article aims to explore the advantages and disadvantages of a septic tank in order to inform readers and show the importance of using a septic tank in local wastewater treatment systems, as well as the key stages of its operation.

Keywords: septic tank, sewage construction, wastewater treatment.

A septic tank is a facility for the treatment of small amounts (up to 25 m3/day) of domestic wastewater. It is an underground horizontal settling tank consisting of 1 or more chambers through which sewage liquid flows [1]. It is necessary if there is no possibility of connecting to the general sewage system.

Septic tanks provide mechanical wastewater treatment through the processes of settling wastewater with the formation of sludge and floating substances, as well as partial biological treatment through the anaerobic decomposition of organic wastewater contaminants. In addition, septic tanks provide flotation treatment of wastewater due to gases released during the anaerobic decomposition of sludge. The sanitary protection zone from the septic tank to the residential building should be 5 m.

The water consumption rate is the amount of water consumed for certain needs per unit of time or per unit of output [2].

How big should a septic tank be?

I.V. Vykhrystiuk, author of the book “Autonomous Sewage Systems for Cottages”, 2018, notes that the full design volume of a septic tank should be taken: for wastewater flow rates up to 5 m3/day - at least 3 times the daily inflow, for flow rates over 5 m3/day - at least 2.5 times. Depending on the wastewater flow rate, single-chamber septic tanks should be used for wastewater flow rates up to 1 m3/day, two-chamber septic tanks - up to 10 m3/day, and three-chamber septic tanks - over 10 m3/day. The volume of the first chamber should be 0.75 in two-chamber septic tanks and 0.5 in three-chamber septic tanks. At the same time, the volume of the second and third chambers should be 0.25 of the calculated volume. “In septic tanks made of concrete rings,. all chambers should be of equal volume.” [1].

There are several types that differ in material, design, and degree of cleaning:

By material:

- Plastic: lightweight, durable, non-corrosive, easy to install.

- Reinforced concrete: strong, durable, but more expensive and more difficult to install.

By design:

- Single-chamber: simple and cheap, but do not treat wastewater well enough.

- Two-chamber: more efficient than single-chamber, but take up more space.

- Three-chamber: provide the maximum degree of wastewater treatment, but are the most expensive and bulky.

By the degree of purification:

- Low treatment: require additional treatment before discharge into the ground.

- Highly purified: allow you to discharge treated water directly into the ground.

Advantages of a septic tank:

- Autonomy: does not depend on a centralized sewage system.

- Environmental friendliness: purified water does not pollute the environment.

- Ease of maintenance: requires minimal maintenance.

- Durability: with proper care, it can serve for several decades.

Disadvantages of a septic tank:

- Cost: installing a septic tank can be quite expensive.

- The need for periodic pumping of sludge: it is necessary to periodically pump sludge from the septic tank.

- Requirements for placement: it is necessary to comply with the rules of placement on the site.

Taking into account the materials studied on the design and method of cleaning the septic tank, it is possible to determine the percentage efficiency of using different categories of septic tanks, as shown in the following table.


A septic tank is an integral part of a local wastewater treatment system for individual houses and cottages. Its proper design, installation, and operation ensure effective treatment of domestic wastewater, environmental protection, and comfortable living conditions. Consideration of the basic principles of operation and methods of soil post-treatment is critical for the long-term and reliable operation of the system. I consider the work of Vykhrystiuk I.V. in the book “Autonomous sewage systems of cottages”, 2018, which clearly describes all possible types of treatment systems for private houses, to be a significant contribution to this industry and a universal solution for the construction of a treatment system for your home.


1. Vykhrystiuk I.V., “Autonomous sewage systems of cottages”, 2018, STUDFILES., P.6-32, https://studfile.net/preview/21712218/.

2. Kravchenko V.S., “Water Supply and Sewerage”, 2011, Condor Publishing House, p. 11.

Author : Martynov Serhii

Doctor of Technical Sciences in Water Supply and Sewerage, Rivne, National University of Water and Environmental Engineering

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